Portfolio Styles - Executive Offerings


Titans of Industry - small Multiple Notes

Using capital from savings, self funded IRAs, or estate distributions this group of working middle to retiree age Investors group themselves together in order to direct their investments. While each Individual Beneficiary is set to drive their own portfolio by not “placing all their eggs in one basket” the coined phrase of diversified holdings comes to mind for this portfolio style. Take that spare change of monthly interest from other investment holdings and LEVEL UP using tangible residential promissory note sales with reputable Mortgagors to acquire status as a Private Banking TITAN OF INDUSTRY.



With a Vision of how to win in real estate mortgage note sales, these discerning and experienced Investors go the distance. Join our limited engagement of Executives in the private lending industry. These seasoned veterans of the loan funding game have the capital to go into business with our reputable real estate entrepreneurs that make tomorrow brighter for all.


legacy Groups - Trust inheritance

Likened to the plan view of successful passive wealth generation, Stockton Mortgage is honored to service multiple generational families that have strived with their daily efforts to create income generation for their next in line. Siblings take comfort that their are multiple people guarding the “hen house” when it comes to reviewing their secondary income streams. We welcome cousins, all kin, and Trusts whether familial or not to find success in sharing in our cornucopia of wealth creation.